The latest news from The BHY

News from The Boathouse Youth

Community Business of the Year 2023!

The sixteenth Be Inspired Business Awards 2023 were held at a glittering awards ceremony in The Blackpool Tower Ballroom on Friday 15th September which saw The Boathouse Youth crowned WINNERS of the ‘COMMUNITY BUSINESS OF THE YEAR AWARD’.

The BIBAs are Lancashire’s premier business awards dubbed as ‘the one they all want to win’. According to the North and Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce, who host the awards, record entry levels were reduced to 160 finalists. This followed a rigorous and gruelling process which including a written application, a formal interview at Blackpool Football Club and a visit by BIBAs judges to individual workplaces so that 20 winners could emerge.

The Boathouse Youth collected its award in front of more than 1000 business leaders and dignitaries from across the county at a spectacular event that is described by many as the ‘Oscars of the Lancashire Business World’.

Team BHY accepting the trophy!

The judges in the COMMUNITY BUSINESS category were looking for evidence of:

-Fulfilment of social mission
-Impact on local area
-Management & Leadership
-Stakeholder Engagement
-Creative thinking

We were able to evidence innovation, growth potential, a robust plan for financial performance and clarity of vision.

Laurance Hancock, CEO at The Boathouse Youth said: “We are so grateful to all of our funders, supporters, major donors and corporate patrons that fuel the work we do and enable the passion and relentless ambition we seek to deliver on. We won this with our young people right at the front and centre of everything we do. It’s not just youth work, it’s proper youth work!”

Babs Murphy, Chief Executive of the Chamber, congratulated the winners on their outstanding achievements: “This year, we heard time and time again from the judges that choosing the winners had been incredibly challenging in every category given the calibre of the entrants.

“Each of the 160 organisations that made it to the finals had displayed the sort of ingenuity, tenacity, innovation, culture, and ambition that are the hallmarks of business success, and that our independent judges look for. They all did an incredible job of highlighting their accomplishments and why they thought they deserved to win.

“But in the end, there could only ever be one winner in each category, and I’d like to congratulate each and every one of them. It’s safe to say that they are the best of the best, having set themselves apart from their competition rivals. They serve as an inspiration to us all, showcasing the potential of entrepreneurial spirit and determination.”

The team’s reaction as the charity was announced winner.

The level of support we have since received from social media has been overwhelming.

Kate Shane, Merlin Entertainments – Regional Director commented “Well done, so very well deserved!”;

Stacey Elliot, a parent of children attending The BHY wrote: “Huge well done to you all! You should all be beaming with pride! All of you are absolutely amazing with every child that attends” and;

David Mangnall, a former volunteer at The BHY said “Years and years of total dedication and love in action = many, many happy, achieving young people. Result!”

The Winners 2023

If you’re interested in your business getting involved with supporting the incredible work of The Boathouse Youth, then please contact us on 01253 375 293 to speak with Danielle Longdon.