Blackpool's young peopleneed you

The most important gift you can give is your time.

The Boathouse Youth

Help to make a difference

The Boathouse Youth is working hard to address the needs of children, young people and their families in Blackpool who are struggling with the affects of poverty and deprivation.

You can help

Become a

Becoming a volunteer at The Boathouse Youth is one of the most rewarding things you can do. The benefits are far reaching – for you and our beneficiaries.

Volunteer and find your role

We are looking for people with time, passion and commitment who possess a skill set (or a desire to learn!) that aligns with the requirements of our available roles.

Roles working with Children & Young People

The most important aspect of working directly with children and young people is that you have their best interests at heart. We are looking for committed individuals who are willing to develop positive relationships with our participants and help us to keep them safe. You could be a:

Roles working with behind the scenes

You might have a passion for children and young people, but not feel that working with them directly is for you. No problem! There is significant work going on behind the scenes that is essential to the successful delivery of our services. You could be a:

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What are the

of volunteering?

Being a voluntary member of Team BHY provides you with an abundance of opportunities that will benefit your physical, mental and social health all whilst helping some of the most amazing children and young people navigate through the challenges of childhood and adolescence.

We are an incredibly friendly team who really value diversity and inclusivity. You being part of that team will help you build a sense of belonging, provide support to others and share so many positive experiences and good news stories.
You don’t need to be an expert to join Team BHY. You just need to want to learn and make a difference. We’ll offer on-the-job training and guidance for whatever role you choose so that your learning is really brought to life. Your confidence and self-esteem will soar!

We all know what children and young people like to keep grown-ups on their toes! Being a member of Team BHY will definitely require some positive energy and most of our roles are quite physical, helping to release those endorphins and improve your fitness.

Volunteering is a huge act of kindness and this will undoubtedly create positive feelings that will give you a renewed sense of self-worth and reward. The work we do would be significantly reduced if we didn’t receive generous donations of time from our volunteers.

A change is as good as a rest. Volunteering at The BHY will give you an opportunity to enjoy something different and help you to understand more about what your passions are and how you feel about life.

Apply today

If you’d like to express an interest in volunteering, then click the link below and complete the application form. Some questions might seem a little irrelevant, but we recruit using the Safer Recruitment Guidelines from the NSPCC to ensure we’re doing everything possible to protect our participants from potential harm.