Get in touch with The BHY

We’d love to hear from you.

Contact The Boathouse Youth

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We're here to help

If you’ve not been able to find the information you need on the website, or you’d just like to have a chat with somebody then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Head office

Whiteholme Youth Centre
All Saints Road,

Find us on Google Maps >



Mailing list

If you’d like to subscribe to our mailing list, please do so here. We’ll keep you up to date with latest news and events where possible.

Support us
There are 8,000 children and young people currently living in poverty right on our doorstep, here in Blackpool. Your offer of time, experience or finances could help to change one of those childrens’ lives. Help us to help them. Contact us today to see if we can align your gift with our needs.