Join Blackpool's Biggest Youth Club!

Become a BHY Member!

Come and join

Blackpool's biggest youth club

Whatever your age, ability or needs – we’ve got something on offer for you!

You can start your journey with The Boathouse Youth as early as 5-years-old and stay involved as a young person until your 18th birthday! We’ve got six different age-groups, so you’ll always be with people a similar age to you.

Love. Respect. Discipline.

1 Infants

Story telling
Messy play
Outdoor adventures
Age 5 - YR 2

2 Juniors

Science experiments
Team Games
yr 3 & yr 4

3 Junior Plus

Making things
yr 5 & yr 6

4 Seniors

Canal Boating
Outdoor Pursuits
yrs 7, 8 & 9

5 Senior Plus

Duke of Edinburgh Award
Social Action Projects
YR 10 - Age 17

6 Young Leaders

Develop Leadership Skills
L2 Youth Work Principles Award
BHY Uniform
Age 16-18

We offer four programmes for you to get involved with:


Our Main Entry Programme

A million and one opportunities to meet with your friends, try your hand at new skills and have a whole heap of fun.


Building Confidence

This programme aims to build self-esteem through focused group work sessions, as well as supporting children and young people with additional needs.

Direct Engagement

Be The Best You Can Be

Our Direct Engagement Programme is a series of project-based activities that are designed around our young people’s needs.


Holiday Activity & Food

We provide between 250-300 places every day during the school holidays jam-packed with a whole host of different locally based activities.

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Canal boating is one of my favourite things to do at The Boathouse. It helps you learn new skills, like cooking, driving a boat and how to keep safe. You spend time with friends and leaders and it makes you more confident. Thank you BHY

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Boathouse Youth Member

Where can you attend?

We work really hard to ensure that we provide our services right in the heart of the communities we serve. We have Youth Centres based in Bloomfield (South Shore) and on Grange Park. We also provide a lot of work from local schools.

Join us at

Grange ParkHorsebridge Rd


Join us at

BloomfieldLytham Rd


The Boathouse Youth Fleetwood Youth Centre

Join us at

FleetwoodHighbury Ave


Join today

If you’re a young person living in Blackpool and can easily access one of our sites, then we can probably provide you with life-changing experiences and support. There is usually quite a long waiting list to join, so get your name on the list as soon as possible.

BHY Members Handbook 2024