The latest news from The BHY

News from The Boathouse Youth

Team BHY Master Self-Mastery

Colleagues from The Boathouse Youth kick-off the New Year by teaming-up with Sarah Fletcher for a Staff Residential in beautiful North Wales countryside for a few days of fun, learning and self-development.

As a learning organisation which places so much emphasis on enabling young people to lead their best lives, itโ€™s essential for us that staff are also leading their best lives.

The team worked through a model of neurolinguistic programming – or NLP – to learn about how humans perceive the world and communicate. We determined techniques and acquired tools to help us improve our mindset and progress towards self-mastery, which is a never ending journey.

Combing our learning with some beautiful mountain walks, rock-climbing and zip-lining we explored how we respond to challenge, considered our untapped strengths and enhanced our relationships with each other.

The impact on the team has been overwhelming. Moreover, as they transfer this new knowledge into their practice, the impact on our young people will be off the scale.

The residential was followed by further five days of training and discussions back at our Grange Park Youth Centre as Team BHY explored models of communication further, such as โ€˜The Drama Triangleโ€™ and โ€˜Transactional Analysisโ€™. Senior staff members also facilitated sessions around youth participation and what this can look like in modern youth work; whilst the team considered how they can apply this learning to their practice.

This is why we are Blackpoolโ€™s leading childrenโ€™s charity and spearheading the way for youth work across the town and beyond.